The recent amendments to the UK law on porn have sparked controversy and debate among lawmakers, activists, and citizens alike. While the intention behind these changes may have been to protect individuals from harmful and exploitative content, the reality is that they are inherently sexist and discriminatory.

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The amendments, which were introduced as part of the Online Safety Bill, require all commercial pornographic websites to implement age verification controls. This means that users will have to verify their age before accessing adult content, effectively creating a barrier to entry for those under the age of 18. While the protection of minors from harmful content is undoubtedly important, the implementation of these controls disproportionately impacts women and perpetuates harmful stereotypes and attitudes towards female sexuality.

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Sexist assumptions about women's sexuality

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One of the key issues with these amendments is the underlying assumption that women are inherently more vulnerable to the harms of pornography than men. This perpetuates the harmful stereotype that women are passive and innocent, in need of protection from the corrupting influence of pornographic material. This assumption not only infantilizes women but also ignores the diverse and nuanced ways in which individuals of all genders engage with and consume adult content.

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Furthermore, the amendments fail to acknowledge the agency and autonomy of women in their choices regarding their own sexual expression and consumption of pornography. By imposing age verification controls that disproportionately impact women, the law effectively perpetuates the notion that women are incapable of making informed decisions about their own sexual desires and preferences.

Impact on the adult entertainment industry

The amendments also have a significant impact on the adult entertainment industry, particularly on female performers. The implementation of age verification controls creates additional barriers for performers to reach their audience and earn a living, ultimately contributing to the marginalization and stigmatization of sex work. This has a particularly detrimental impact on women in the industry, who already face significant discrimination and stigma.

Moreover, the amendments fail to address the root causes of harm in the adult entertainment industry, such as exploitative working conditions and lack of labor protections. Instead of targeting the core issues that perpetuate harm, the law further marginalizes and disempowers women in the industry, reinforcing existing inequalities and discrimination.

Alternatives to discriminatory legislation

Rather than implementing discriminatory and ineffective measures that disproportionately impact women, there are alternative approaches that can be taken to address the harms of pornography. One such approach is comprehensive sex education that empowers individuals to make informed choices about their sexual health and well-being. By providing young people with the knowledge and skills to critically engage with adult content, they can develop healthy attitudes towards sexuality and make informed decisions about their consumption of pornography.

Additionally, addressing the root causes of harm in the adult entertainment industry, such as exploitative working conditions and lack of labor protections, is crucial in protecting performers and ensuring their safety and well-being. This requires a holistic approach that addresses the systemic issues within the industry and empowers performers to advocate for their rights and agency.

In conclusion, the amendments to the UK law on porn are inherently sexist and discriminatory, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and attitudes towards female sexuality. By imposing age verification controls that disproportionately impact women and perpetuate harmful assumptions about their sexuality, the law fails to address the root causes of harm in the adult entertainment industry and undermines the agency and autonomy of women. It is crucial to advocate for alternative approaches that empower individuals and address the systemic issues within the industry, rather than perpetuating discrimination and stigma.